Friday, April 22, 2011

Early morning

Another day of perfect weather. It breaks my heart that mum isn't here to enjoy it.

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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Mum died peacefully at home early yesterday evening. It was a beautiful Spring afternoon and the sun was falling on the bed. Dad and I were both with her. She was a wonderful mother, and the most unselfish person I've ever met.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Poor neglected blog

I used to really enjoy keeping this blog, and it was a great record of things we were doing and how I felt about them.

These days, though, I don't seem to have either the time or the inclination to update it.

Mum is very ill; the breast cancer that she had in 2004 has metastasised to her bones and pancreas. She has been in and out of hospital, and I have been spending as much time with her and dad as I can. I go up every weekend, which doesn't leave much time for other things, since I'm at work from 8.30 till 5 every day.

I can't write about most of what happens at work for obvious reason (student confidentiality; career prospects), and I don't really like to write too much about the children either, since they have all got to the age where they wouldn't like me sharing too much information about them on the internet.

So I'm not sure where this blog is going... On the one hand I hate to abandon it; on the other hand, maybe it doesn't fit into my life at the moment.

Sunday, November 21, 2010


My mom has jaundice. Scan next week. Don't want to think about the possible causes, but obviously am.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

New man

Grand Prix on the TV while doing his ironing.

Rainy Sunday afternoon filled with chores and marking - but life feels good anyway.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Pictures from today

Early morning run. 12km, but I ran them (as usual) slowly.

On the tube. Guy with mismatched shoes and broken arm, reading Kafka.

At Indian restaurant near Covent Garden. Dolls hanging from ceiling.

We met up with Steve for lunch; it was lovely to have all five of us together.

Masala coke - had spices and mint in it - weirdly nice.

Pretty building...

Now on train, on way home after having seen and enjoyed The Social Network. It's been a good day.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Sunset run

At the top of the hill in the park.

Am v. tired - open evening at college last night was exhausting. I'm too old for 13 hour days at work. But I'm happy nonetheless ... Chickpea curry simmering, and looking forward to an early night tonight.

Friday, October 01, 2010

Morning walk to work

The light through the trees was amazing yesterday. Rain today, alas.

Work is busy as ever. I'm enjoying it though... Just not enough hours in the day.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Graveyard sunrise

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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

In the park tonight

Such a beautiful evening.

Gorgeous weather aside, work is going really well this year. I am reusing a lot of the stuff I prepared last year, so my work load is much more manageable. And so far, my classes are all lovely. Long may it last!

It's the time of the year when we have to help the upper sixth students with their uni applications - so home and work are rather similar, as Ems is preparing her UCAS application this evening. Everyone has to pick 5 universities to apply to, then write a 550 word personal statement to support their application. It's all quite stressful for the kids, as a lot hangs on their applications, and the competition for places is fierce. There are over 1000 applicants for the course Emily is hoping to do, and only 150 places...

Saturday, September 18, 2010

They passed!

I'm so relieved! All the studying from that stupid book paid off. It's not cheap either - £34 each just to do a computer based test. Still, it's done now. Next step - the dreaded forms. They're on the train, on their way home from Croydon at the moment - waste of a beautiful morning. Though Bobs did manage a run with me early this morning.

We went just over 10km, though we did stop a couple of times to take pictures. Such a beautiful day...

Friday, September 17, 2010

Father and son

The two of them are doing a bit of last minute cramming for the Life in the UK test that they have to write tomorrow.

Glad I don't have to do it, as I already have a British passport - those questions are really hard! Population of Wales, anyone?

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Portland Climbing

Beautiful day in the late summer sun.