Such a beautiful evening.

Gorgeous weather aside, work is going really well this year. I am reusing a lot of the stuff I prepared last year, so my work load is much more manageable. And so far, my classes are all lovely. Long may it last!
It's the time of the year when we have to help the upper sixth students with their uni applications - so home and work are rather similar, as Ems is preparing her UCAS application this evening. Everyone has to pick 5 universities to apply to, then write a 550 word personal statement to support their application. It's all quite stressful for the kids, as a lot hangs on their applications, and the competition for places is fierce. There are over 1000 applicants for the course Emily is hoping to do, and only 150 places...
Good luck to her. Last year's scholarship/college marathon has left me exhausted and we need to do it all again for ds next year. Blech
Good luck to her. Last year's scholarship/college marathon has left me exhausted and we need to do it all again for ds next year. Blech
Good luck to her. Last year's scholarship/college marathon has left me exhausted and we need to do it all again for ds next year. Blech
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