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Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Snow Day!!

It was bliss waking up this morning to a snowy world and the realisation that today was a holiday.

Sophie was meeting up with her friends to go tobogganing in the park, so Emily and I went for a long walk. It was gorgeous; sunny and snowy both.

Weirdly, the snow reminded me of the sand on the beach at Fort de Soto in Florida. They both look like icing sugar, and they both make the same squeak when you walk on them.

Having the unexpected holiday days made me feel like a child again; I think I was at least as excited as the kids were!

Back to normal tomorrow... Shame the fun can't go on forever, but it was great while it lasted!


Jo said...

i was thinking of you guys when i saw the news. our mayor was interviewed by the Guardian and BBC news about snow removal. i gather there has been a lot of critisism there! we can't hep chuckling though because to us, we wouldn't blink an eye at that amount of snow! LOL!

have fun!

Annalise said...

LOL, I know, we are pathetic!! In our defence, snow is a bit of a rarity here :)